Hubzilla Documentation:



ELDAO is a decentralized autonomous community. Our members create, manage, and ensure the activities of the community themselves.

  • Before registering, you must read the ELDAO declaration.
  • You must agree to the values of ELDAO and commit to complying with its rules.
  • By registering, you become a member of ELDAO!

ELDAO Basic Rules and Procedures

  1. Voluntary Community
    ELDAO is a voluntary community of people acting together for common goals.

  2. Non-Profit Organization
    ELDAO is NOT a for-profit organization or any other form of legal organization.

  3. Decentralized Management
    Management in ELDAO is collective and decentralized. Seizure and centralization of power are impossible.

  4. Participation and Contributions
    Participation and contributions to ELDAO activities can be in any form whose value is recognized by the community. The value is fixed by assigning ELDD units to a community member. The number of ELDDs forms the ELREP (Reputation) level. The ELREP level defines a community member's capabilities in ELDAO and is their main and inseparable wealth.

  5. Collective Ownership
    Everything created by ELDAO or derived from its activities belongs to the community itself, and therefore to the members.

  6. Copyright
    Copyright for all results of ELDAO activities belongs to the entire community and cannot be transferred to anyone.

  7. Establishment of Organizations
    ELDAO has the right to establish, create, and register any kind of organizations in any country. The results of such organizations' activities are controlled and owned by the community.

ELDAO Community Interaction Rules

  1. Privacy and Anonymity
    Each member of the ELDAO community has the right to privacy and anonymity. Information about oneself can only be disclosed voluntarily.

  2. Transparency
    Each member agrees that their activities and results in ELDAO, along with their public communication history, are available for review by other community members.

  3. Respect and Inclusivity
    All members must treat each other with respect, regardless of views, religions, cultures, and nationalities. We are here to create.

  4. Binding Collective Decisions
    Any collective decisions made according to the rules are binding on all members. If a member disagrees, they must independently and voluntarily cease participation in the ELDAO community.

  5. Confidentiality of Information
    Any information obtained through communication with others in the community or participating in ELDAO activities:

    • Cannot be used against ELDAO or its members.
    • May not be shared with third parties or organizations for use against ELDAO or its members.
    • Cannot be accumulated, processed, or structured by software without ELDAO's consent.
  6. Reporting Threats
    Each member must immediately report any threats to the community as soon as they become aware of them.

  7. Responsibility
    Each member accepts full responsibility for their decisions and activities within ELDAO.

  8. Joint Contributions
    Each member understands and agrees that all capabilities, assets, and technologies are the result of responsible joint activities of ELDAO members.

  • [ ] I agree with the ELDAO Community Declaration and these Community Rules ______